Visual Art Program
Building upon its extensive experience in the visual arts sector, KSCC is expanding its ‘Visual Arts Program’ to promote research-based visual arts initiatives. This program is based on a process-oriented approach that places importance on artistic query, research, and engagement. It targets young, mid-career, and established artists, both Palestinian and international. It invites artists, often together with academics, researchers and art practitioners, to engage in artworks in the form of artistic research around critical social, political, and cultural questions.
Annually, KSCC aims to produce at least two visual arts exhibitions with associated events open to the general public. Artworks, supported through this program, do not need to take the form of finished work – ‘unfolding’ artworks can be promoted through exhibiting research material over different temporal installments. Side-events to exhibitions, including for example workshops and tours by artists or curators aims to engage audiences in this process of artistic critique and research.